Tuesday 28 February 2017

Why I Love The Season of Lent :)

I know the amount of groans I am getting just from the title of my post. I am not here to tell you what to do and not to do. Nor am I here to tell you the importance of abstaining and fasting for the next forty days which starts in like less than 2 hours? And to be honest, I used to dread it. Like the moment my parents would make 8 year old me aware that Ash Wednesday was coming the amount of dread I would feel because I could not have KFC or McDonald's for over a month. But as I grew older my parents quit reminding me and I became ignorant towards Lent. And when I think about it now I do not know which is worst, dreading it or being totally oblivious to this special season.

So why do I call is special? Well I believe it is more than just my Savior died to save me from my sins and I want to repay Him by abstaining and fasting during Lent. I believe Lent is my time to renew me through God. It is 40 days that I give to God to change me and be the change in my life. I think a lot of people focus so much about getting it "right" when we should just focus on trying to be a better person in this special season. For example, 2 years ago I was addicted to Starbucks and maybe some people would say what's so bad about caffeine? But did I really need a cup of full of sugar more than caffeine worth almost RM20 3 times a week in my life? Wouldn't that money be better spent elsewhere like for a meal for a friend who needs it or a donation to charity? And it was not doing anything good to my body either was it? So I gave it up for Lent that year. It was not easy whenever I went out shopping to pass by Starbucks when I first started but eventually I realized He gave up everything for little ol me, what's a cup of frappucino? And I did it for 40 days. I can't deny having Starbucks every once in while now cause there's no harm in enjoying life every once in while :)

What I am trying to say with all this is to lift your desires to him. Be it drinking or smoking or a shopping addiction. He will take care of you and renew you if you let Him. Let this 40 days be the start of a journey - it does not matter if you fall once or twice, what matters is your persistence to continue and trust me when I say this you are going to be so proud of yourself for letting Him in cause He can do amazing things for you <3

Here's also a bunch of ideas on what to give up for Lent http://lifeteen.com/blog/weird-lent-ideas-that-will-make-you-holier/ and you can try guessing which one I will be doing from the list. God bless!

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